Welcome to the web page This web page belongs to and is published by EMYE Consulting, a French limited liability company registered with the Lyon Trade and Company Registry under number 529624256, with a variable capital of 500 €, and therefore the registered office is located at 136, Avenue Général Frère, 69008 Lyon, France.
The web page is hosted by LTD, VAT number EU442008451, therefore the head office is located at PO box 40190 San Francisco, CA United States.
EYME Consulting does not collect personal data through its website. By voluntarily providing the contact format of the EYME Colsulting web site personal data, the user expressly consents to the use of his personal data to contact in order to meet his needs in the context of a commercial activity related to the services of EYME Consulting. Once the user's request is resolved EYME Consulting will delete the personal data as soon as possible.
Dans l’objectif notamment de rendre les services du site plus performants, les utilisateurs sont informés que le site utilise des cookies ou autres traceurs. Lors des visites des utilisateurs sur le site EYME Consulting, ces derniers sont susceptibles d’être installés dans le terminal sous réserve des choix et options que l’utilisateur a exprimé ou peut exprimer à tout moment conformément à la présente politique.
Les cookies ou autres traceurs similaires, sont des données utilisées par un serveur pour envoyer des informations d’état au navigateur d’un utilisateur, et par ce navigateur pour renvoyer des informations d’état au serveur d’origine. Les informations d’état peuvent être par exemple une langue, une date d’expiration, un domaine de réponse etc.
Les cookies permettent de conserver, pendant leur durée de validité des informations d’état lorsqu’un navigateur accède aux différentes pages d’un site internet ou lorsque ce navigateur retourne ultérieurement sur ce site. Seul l’émetteur d’un cookie peut lire ou modifier les informations qui y sont contenues.
With the aim in particular of making the site's services more efficient, users are informed that the site uses cookies or other tracers. During user visits to the EYME Consulting site, these are likely to be installed in the terminal subject to the choices and options that the user has expressed or may express at any time in accordance with this policy.
Cookies, or similar tracking devices, are data used by a server to send status information to a user's browser, and by that browser to send status information back to the originating server. Status information can be, for example, language, expiration date, response domain, etc.
Cookies make it possible to retain status information for the duration of their validity when a browser accesses the various pages of a website or when the browser subsequently returns to that site. Only the issuer of a cookie can read or modify the information contained therein.
The EYME Consulting site uses cookies and other similar tracers for the following main purposes:
To carry out measurements and analyses of audience and frequentation on its site for purposes in particular of improvement of its services.
Tracking visitors and identifying how they use the site
Accounting and differentiating visits
Identify by which site or search engine the user arrived on the site
Saving users' cookie choices
Adapt the display and optimize the user experience according to their preferences
Implement security measures.
The installation of certain cookies when their exclusive purpose is not to allow or facilitate communication by electronic means or when they are not strictly necessary for the provision of an online communication service at the request of the user, are subject to the user's consent.
Thus, on the first visit of the user to the site, he is informed by a banner that if he continues browsing, he accepts the installation of these cookies on his equipment. The user may reconsider his choice at any time:
Either by deleting the cookie of refusal
Or by the various means described in the following section.
The user has several options for deleting and/or rejecting cookies and other tracers.
If most browsers are set by default and accept the installation of cookies, the user has the possibility to set his browser to accept or refuse the installation or use of cookies or to choose which ones the user accepts depending on the senders.
Users can click on the "Help" menu of their browser to learn how to change their cookie preferences. They can also configure their browser to accept or refuse cookies on a case-by-case basis before they are installed.
Users can also regularly delete cookies from their terminal via their browser. Do not forget to configure all the browsers of the various terminals (tablets, smartphones, computers, etc.). The configuration of each browser is different, the user will find below the main sites for help in setting the parameters according to his browser: Firefox, Chrome, Explorer, Safari, Opera, among others.
The main sites for help with configuration depending on your smartphone: iOS and Android.