Every day we leave a CO2 footprint on the planet that causes an imbalance that impacts us more and more. We know that our ecosystem is fragile, hence the importance of our actions in this area. We believe that each of our decisions allows us to build a better future.
One of EYME Consulting’s mainspring is to preserve our environment. Within the company we are working to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. To do this we calculate our CO2 impact in terms of transport, office tools, calls, energy, etc... We do our best to limit and offset it.
On the other hand, our committment goes beyond our simple commercial activity. Indeed, we have decided to take responsibility for direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions. This means that our team is fully personally committed to our sustainable development approach and our company offsets the ecological impact of our homes. On average a French inhabitant emits 7.2 tons of CO2 according to the latest report published by Eurostat.
We have chosen to support the GoodPlanet foundation. This annual support allows us to offset our impact in an eco-responsible way.
The work of this foundation aims to place ecology and humanism at the heart of consciousness and to create the desire to take concrete action for the earth and its inhabitants. A noble cause that goes hand in hand with our values.
Our goal for the coming years is to continue our commitment while improving our modus operandi.